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┣Mega Drive ✚ Mega CD/Other language

Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure

Unlimited continues:
Press C(4), LeftADownUpDown at the title screen.

Nine lives:
Press RightADownBRightABUpDown at the title screen.

Full weapons:
Press ABUpCACA at the title screen.

Extra lives and weapons:
Press LeftADownBRightABUpDownABUpCACA at the title screen.

Level select:
Press BRightADownRightUpBLeftAUpRightA at the title screen.

Original version mini-game:
Press DownA(26), Down at the title screen to play the Atari 2600 version of the game.

Practice "Lever" sequence:
Press BADownCRightAB at the title screen.

Turbo mode:
Press BARightCRightUpDown at the title screen.

View credits:
Press CRightDownCRightDownCRightDown at the title screen.

Level select:
Enter one of the following codes at the option screen to begin game play at the corresponding level.

ForestPress BLeftACBALeft(2), Start.
WaterfallPress BARightCBACStart.

출처 : http://www.gamewinners.com/SCD/PitfallMayanAdv.htm

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