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┏PS(Playstation)/Other language

Metal Gear Solid

Technical demonstration mode:
Successfully complete the following modes in order "Training", "Time Trial", "Gun Shooting", "Survival". Note: Completing each mode will unlock the next mode in the sequence. "Technical demonstration" mode will now be unlocked. Use it to watch the CPU demonstrate its best time with the gun. 

Alternate costumes:
Successfully complete the game, wait until the credits end, and save the game. Load the saved game file and play through the game again. After successfully completing the game a second time, wait until the credits end, and save the game. Load the saved game and play through the game again. Snake will change into a tuxedo in the elevator during this game. 

Alternate ending and music:
Successfully complete the game with the Tuxedo costume. 

All inventory items:
Save the game at exactly 11 hours 11 minutes and 11 seconds. Load that saved game file and the game will resume at the introduction sequence. However, all items will appear in your inventory.

Meryl's ending:
Resist Ocelet's torture to see a happy ending where everyone lives.

Control briefing view:
Wait for the message "Camera Change" or "Camera Free" to appear during a briefing. Press Square or Triangle to zoom in or out. Press Circle to switch views. Press X to stop the briefing.

Stealth gear:
Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty level after submitting during the torture by pressing Select. Otacon will give your character the stealth gear after being saved. Allow the credits to complete, then save the game. Load the saved game to begin with the stealth gear. 

If you do not press Select and you defeated Liquid Snake on top of the destroyed Metal Gear on the first match (no retries), you will get the Stealth gear. It does not matter what happens to Snake when he is being shocked. Whether surrendering or not you can still get the stealth gear.

Successfully complete the game without submitting to the torture. Your character will save Meryl and receive the Bandana. When equipped, the bandana will allow unlimited ammunition on any weapon.

Tuxedo Snake:
When you start your game for the third time on the same save, the memory card icon will be the Ninja. Snake will be change into a tuxedo when he is in the elevator. Additionally, the "Cyber Ninja" will be in a red costume. 

Stealth Gear and Bandana:
Successfully complete the game in normal mode after submitting to the torture sequence. Wait through the end credits. A short FMV sequence showing Snake and Emerich getting on a snowmobile will begin. Snake and Emerich will talk for awhile, then Emerich will give him the Stealth Gear. Wait for the score and skill rating screen to appear. Save the game, turn off the PlayStation, then reload the game that was saved. You will start at the first level (dock) and now have the Stealth Gear. You should now not submit to the torture sequence so you can save Meryl and get both the Bandana and Stealth Gear.

Reach area B2 of the tank hanger. At the end of the hallway to the right of the door where you fight revolver is a secret room that is entered after using C4 explosive. In the room are card 4 and card 6 doors. The camera is in the room behind the card 4 door. Use the camera to take pictures to see various extras, such as the faces of the development team. 

Development team photos:
Use the camera to take pictures at the following locations. 

FujimuraElevator in the Comm Tower B complex
FukushimaHeliport; looking out to sea from cliff
HiranoElevator in Comm Tower B; deep in the shaft of top level
IshiyamaHeliport top of building
ItoInside elevator to tank hangar
Jerem BlausteinSniper Wolf's corpse
KanedaThe mirror located in the Women's restroom
KimuraMG underground base; tip of Metal Gear 's railgun
KinbaraDark area of stairs
KitaoDecoy Octopus (fake DARPA chief) corpse
KobayashiRock in canyon
KobayashiJohnny Sasaki holding cell, near DARPA chief
KojimaOtacon lab; the picture frame to the right
KorekadoMen's restroom
KozyouBehind the watertank-like structure in the Canyon
KutomeObservation room
MakimuraHidden armory store room; behind the weakened wall
MatsuhanaHallway of corpses; outside Otacons lab
MizutaniWhen fighting Metal Gear
MoriLowest point of elevator; Comm Tower B
MukaideReflection in wolfdog cave puddle
MuraokaWater in cargo dock
NakamuraIn Meryl's blood pool; where she is sniped
NegishiSewage waterfall
NishimuraNext to Baker's corpse
OkajimaMaggots of the real DARPA Chef in cell
OnodaWhere Baker is tied up
SasakiPicture frames in the Commander's room
SatoComm Tower A; roof destroyed by Hind D missiles
Scott DolphDeep down in the dark from the walkway between Comm Towers A and B
ShigenoHeliport,security caera by staircase
ShikamaElectric floor
ShimizuWolf dog cave; first crawling point
ShinkawaDeep in Sniper Wolf's hallway behind the second pillar
SonoyamaTorture machine
TakadeNinja room; glass atedga
TanakaHeliport; sleeping soldier
TougoEnd of boiler room; in Blast Furnace with the steam
ToyotaContainer in the middle of Raven's warehouse
UeharaEdge of elevator; where the ravens are
YamashitaTip of nuke warhead in nuke storage room
YoshimuraDead end of air duct
YoshiokaBridge on the third floor of the blast furnace

Codec numbers:
Use all these frequencies to contact people in the Codec.

Roy Campbell and Doctor Naomi Hunter: 140.85 (to back up Snake)
Mei Ling: 140.96
Nastassia Romanenko: 141.52 (Nuclear specialist. Provides healthy information on using weapons)
Master Miller: 141.80 (Provides psychological information and advice. Reveals information on Naomi at the end of the game)
Otacon (Dr. Hal Emmerich): 141.12 (Provides advice on beating Metal Gear)
"Deepthroat": 140.48 (Unknown. Later revealed at the end of the game)
Meryl: 140.15

출처 : http://www.gamewinners.com/playstation/MetalGearSolid.htm

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