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┣GB ✚ GBC(Game Boy Color)/한글

젤다의 전설 - 이상한 나무열매 대지의 장

Super passwords:
Enter the following password into a new file under the "Secrets" selection. Your name will be Link, and it will be just like a brand new file of a Seasons "Linked" file, except this password will not have the Bipin and Blossom kid as a teen because he does not have a name. Your sword is already with you at the start screen. 

t b Heart f b Y   Left Arrow t D Club
Square Circle N (   ! y $ s ~ 3

Enter the following password into a new file under the "Secrets" selection. A Triforce will be next to Link at the main screen. You will start with the Victory Ring (Triforce Ring) showing you beat Ganon. 

t b Heart S b   $ g s Square /
Square f 4 ( !   Y $ ? ~ 7

Hero password:

Enter NNNNB NBNNN NBNNN NNNBN as a password to start a heroes game.

출처 : http://www.gamewinners.com/game_boy_color/LegendOfZeldaOracleOfSeasons.htm

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