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┣GBA(Game Boy Advance)/한글

유희왕 - 듀얼 몬스터즈 익스퍼트 3

View credits again:
View the credits at least once. To view them again, press Up(2), Down(2), LeftRightLeftRightBA at the selection menu.

Remove limitation:
Collect all cards in the game. Restricted cards are no longer restricted.

Duel faster:
Hold L when you are at the duelist selection screen. Continue holding L until the duel starts and it will go much faster.

Blue Millennium Booster:
Defeat Rare Hunter ten times.

Blue/Green Millennium Booster:
Defeat Strings ten times.

Dark Ruler Hades Booster:
Defeat Bandit Keith ten times.

Gold Millennium Booster:
Defeat Odion ten times.

Guardian Sphinx Booster:
Defeat Pegasus ten times.

Jinzo Booster:
Defeat Weevil ten times.

Purple Millennium Booster:
Defeat Umbra and Lumis ten times.

Red Millennium Booster:
Defeat Arkana ten times.

Relinquished Booster:
Defeat Rex Raptor ten times.

The Masked Beast Booster:
Defeat Maku Tsunami ten times.

Thousand-eyes Restrict Booster:
Defeat Bonz ten times.

Toon Summoned Skull Booster:
Defeat Espa Roba ten times.

Yamata Dragon Booster:
Defeat Joey Wheeler ten times.

Zombrya the Dark Booster:

Defeat Mai Valentine ten times.

출처 : http://www.gamewinners.com/game_boy_advance/Yu-Gi-OhDuelMonstersExpert3.htm