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┣NDS(Nintendo DS)/한글

원피스 기어 스피릿


Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character

Ace: Successfully complete Story mode as two different characters.
Aokiji: Complete Story Mode as Tony Tony Chopper.
Blackbeard: Successfully complete Story mode as Shanks.
Brook: Successfully complete the game with all the Straw Hat Crew's bounties at maximum.
Crocodile: Successfully complete Story mode as three different characters.
Ener: Successfully complete Story mode as five different characters.
Kaku: Complete Story Mode as Nico Robin.
Lucci: Complete Story Mode with Franky.
Mihawk: Successfully complete Story mode as all other characters.
Shanks: Successfully complete Story mode as Mihawk.
Smoker: Successfully complete Story mode.
Vivi: Successfully complete Story mode as four different characters.

Special cards

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding card.

Bellemere: Nami at maximum.
Blueno: Kaku at maximum.
Buggy: Shanks at maximum.
Dalton: Kurohige at maximum.
DoFlamingo: Mihawk at maximum.
Dragon: Defeat Luffy Gear 2 (stats up)
Gan Fall: Ener at maximum.
Hina: Smoker at maximum.
Hiruluk: Chopper at maximum.
Jaguar D saulo: Nico Robin at maximum.
Kaya: Usopp at maximum.
Khoza: Vivi at maximum.
Kuina: Zolo at maximum.
Kuma: Crocodile at maximum.
Laboon: Brook at maximum.
Mayor: Luffy at maximum.
Sengoku: Aokiji at maximum.
Shirohige: Ace at maximum.
Spandam: Lucci at maximum.
Straw Hat: Defeat Shanks (stats up)
Tom: Franky at maximum.
Zeff: Sanji at maximum.

출처 : http://www.gamewinners.com/Cheats/index.php/One_Piece:_Gear_Spirit