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┏NES = Famicom/한글

록맨 3 - Dr.와이리의 최후

Suggested opponent order:
Magnet, Hard, Top, Shadow, Spark, Snake, Gemini, Needle, "Spark", "Shadow", "Gemini", "Needle"

Super password:
Enter A3 B5 D3 F4 blue, A6 red as a password for all weapons, items, nine energy tanks, and no Dr. Wily Robots.

Enter A6 red as a password to start a game with nine energy tanks.
Information in this section was contributed by Eric Davey.

Dr. Wily level:

Enter A1 A3 B2 B5 D3 F4 blue, A6 E1 red as a password.

출처 : http://www.gamewinners.com/nes/MegaMan3.htm

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