본문 바로가기

┏NES = Famicom/한글

열혈 격투전설

엔딩의 종류

엔딩 1. 쿠니오를 사용하지 않고 1P 스토리 모드를 종료

엔딩 2. 2P로 스토리 모드를 종료

베스트 엔딩. 쿠니오가 포함된 채로 1P 스토리 모드를 종료

콤비 어택

파트너와 서로 잡은 상태이거나 한 쪽이 파트너 위에 올라탄 상태에서, 체력 게이지 아래에 검은 줄이 노락색에 들어갔을 때 A버튼 입력(본인이나 파트너 상관없이).

캐릭터 생성 도표

KT# = Birth month + Birth day - 1

If the number is greater than 19, divide by 20 and take the remainder. 
Match the resulting number with the techs on the table below.

KT#     Technique 1      Technique 2      Technique 3
 0      Spin Attack        Mach Kick 
 1      Stone Guard      Spin Attack        Bomb Kick
 2       Jump Elbow      Stone Guard      Spin Attack
 3  Jump Guillotine       Jump Elbow      Stone Guard
 4       Mach Stomp  Jump Guillotine       Jump Elbow
 5      Spin Attack        Bomb Kick   High Spin Kick
 6       Mach Stomp   Tornado Attack   High Spin Kick
 7       Mach Punch   Tornado Attack   High Spin Kick
 8      Spin Attack       Mach Punch  
 9      Spin Attack       Mach Punch   Tornado Attack
10       Jump Elbow        Bomb Kick  
11   Tornado Attack   High Spin Kick  
12       Mach Stomp        Mach Kick   Tornado Attack
13  Jump Guillotine   High Spin Kick  
14       Jump Elbow        Mach Kick  
15        Bomb Kick   Tornado Attack   High Spin Kick
16   High Spin Kick   
17      Spin Attack        Bomb Kick        Mach Kick
18   Tornado Attack   
19        Bomb Kick        Mach Kick  
Zodiac compatibility
  The effectiveness of a team depends in part on the Zodiac matchup of its 
members. Better compatibility makes it easier to perform Combo techs because 
the black bar on the CT indictor moves more slowly. When it moves fast the move 
is more likely to be botched. The Zodiac signs and corresponding birth dates 
are given below, along with their Western counterparts. (By the way, the 
Japanese names are literal translations of the Western names.)

 #  Birth dates  Jap name  Western name
 1  12/22- 1/20      Yagi     Capricorn
 2   1/21- 2/18  Mizugame      Aquarius
 3   2/19- 3/20        Uo        Pisces
 4   3/21- 4/20  Ohitsuji         Aries
 5   4/21- 5/21     Oushi        Taurus
 6   5/22- 6/21    Futago        Gemini
 7   6/22- 7/22      Kani        Cancer
 8   7/23- 8/22    Shishi           Leo
 9   8/23- 9/23     Otome         Virgo
10   9/24-10/23    Tenbin         Libra
11  10/24-11/22   Scorpio       Scorpio
12  11/23-12/21       Ite   Sagittarius

  Compatibilty is graphically represented by the color of the team outfit. The 
colors from best to worst are red, blue, white, green, and yellow. The chart 
below shows the team color that results from matching any two fighters.

    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12
 1  C   E   B   B   D   B   A   C   D   C   E   C
 2  C   B   B   B   C   B   D   A   B   E   C   B
 3  C   A   D   A   B   E   B   D   C   C   B   C
 4  B   B   C   D   C   D   B   B   A   C   C   C
 5  B   B   C   B   B   D   E   D   A   E   B   A
 6  C   C   A   C   D   C   B   B   C   B   B   D
 7  D   B   C   B   C   E   A   C   C   B   B   A
 8  C   B   D   C   D   C   C   C   A   D   C   B
 9  D   D   C   E   C   B   C   C   A   B   B   E
10  B   E   B   A   C   C   D   B   C   A   D   B
11  B   D   B   C   C   C   B   B   E   C   A   D
12  A   A   C   C   A   A   C   E   E   D   B   C

출처 : http://oldgamebox.tistory.com/2650